Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Unexpected Blessings!

Well just as the title says.. its been an unexpected ride.  Good and bad thing thrown our way but overall we are all very thankful.

Its been almost a year since I last blogged anything on here and I regret not doing anything sooner! Honestly, it probably has mostly to do with the fact that I recently discovered I cant stick to one thing for too long.  I have a syndrome called.. BOREDOM.  Yes, it prevents me from staying interested in anything for too long.. then one day I decide I feel like doing it again.  Good for some things but bad for so many others.. you can only imagine! lol

Well, the last time I wrote I was fighting super anxieties for my first time being at college! I know.. I didnt actually write about it! Thats because I was so busy hiding it! lol  Since then, I actually went to school and overcame my fear of human beings and decided it was time to grow up.  Im proud of myself! I did two semesters in college and I did surprisingly well! Math still isnt my strong suite but I'm fighting through that..

We are now living in Virginia! I know what your thinking.. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!?  LOL Well it wasnt overnight let me tell you.  It took a lot of planning and deciding and over thinking, but after a while we decided it was time for a change.  My husband took the Police Department exams and passed! So he's on a waiting list for the Police Academy for Danville, VA.  While we wait.. we are sitting ducks. JUST KIDDING. We are keeping busy working regular jobs and relocating to a new place.

My oldest baby girl stayed behind.. probably the hardest thing I ever had to do.  We left her in very good hands with her grandmother and auntie back in New Jersey.  She is finishing up kindergarten and then coming to live with us here in Danville.  As much as I tried to ask if they would let her out of the school year and come stay with us they wouldn't let her.  They said if she left with me she wouldnt make graduation and wouldn't pass kindergarten.  I was so heartbroken.  So we made a difficult decision..  However, we are very excited to see her in a few weeks! We are coming to see her for her graduation and we are trying to make this experience as fun as possible.  Weve been Skyping with her, calling her as often as possible and we even bought her graduation dress from! She LOVES packages almost as much as her mommy does! She understands its like a little bit of Christmas in the mail! lol.  When I told her she was so jubilant! It made me feel so great that we could still make her happy even though we are so far away.

So as far as this move.. its turned out pretty stressful ! Ive been trying not to think about it and stick to more positive things in the immediate future to distract me but its been difficult.  Money, packing, not packing, throwing things away in time, giving things away, forgetting stuff, not forgetting stuff, etc.. etc.. etc.. AY YA YAI! For now all I really would like to do is forget..

On a better  note.. God willing.. I start school in September and I'm euphoric ! The more I do, the more I feel like i can check off my list! Slowly but surely, Ill get there.  Now all I need to do is loose 30lbs.. learn ballet... and play the violin in an orchestra! Riiight... lol.