Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Accidents Happen!!

My youngest daughter, Essie, decided it would be cute to remove her diaper and parade in her bare-ness throughout the house today.  Although it was very cute (I must admit), it wasn't at all cute when she started to "pee-pee." 

In my rush to get her to the bathroom, I picked her up and yelled for Tahlia to get out of the way! By the time I sat her little tooshie on the potty she began to cry and look very frightened.  I suddenly realized, oh boy I probably freaked her out. :( So I tried to calm her down and sang some songs.  She calmed down, but she still held her pee (when she realized she wasn't peeing on her diaper she held it).  Needless to say, she held her pee until her fresh diaper went on.. 

Thank God she's not actively being potty trained, but I hope this didn't scare her from the toilet! 

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