Friday, July 13, 2012

A day in the Bronx

So the other day my husband and I decided to spend a family day out with our girls.  After thinking long and hard what we should do we decided to go back to the beach yet again.  But after re-thinking we decided to go to...

Ta-da!!! Yup you guessed it.. The Bronx Zoo!! 

We grabbed our things and all the kids and hit the road..

We all headed down to have a nice day at the zoo.  The girls took a nice nap on the way and the hubby did a fantastic job at getting us there safely. 

The entrance to the parking lot was a nightmare...

But once we got a nice spot and unloaded our monster stroller, loaded up our water bottles in our cup holders we were on our way to see some wild animals!

Our first stop was the Butterfly exhibit.  It was really such a beautiful place, I felt as if I were in a magical garden from a movie.

 The butterflies flew all around us and rested on every leaf and petal around you.  The air was full of the sound of fluttering and singing birds of an array of colors.  Your not allowed to touch (or take) any butterflies though (tear). 
The butterflies are given melon to snack on. How cute is that?

The girls were amazed at their surroundings.  Esther, who was visiting the zoo for the first time (the real first time doesnt count, she was too small and not in the least bit interested) was so amazed at EVERYTHING!

As we exited the Butterfly exhibit they had these cute little picture opportunities, which of course we couldnt resist! 

The Flamingoes and the Peacocks were particularly beautiful of course. 

Tahlia couldnt resist peeking in every hole and window.  She wanted to see it all!

In the Children's Zoo, they have a nice area for the kids to play in and discover fun facts about the animals.  

Essie peeked and stared curiously at everything!

 We stood in line for the Monorail and waited.. and waited... and waited.... 

 We were starting to get tired and cranky after walking all day.. lol

Sitting in the monorail for 20 minutes watching animals in the high view and feeling the cool breeze was just what the doctor ordered. Our feet were killing us and we were so exhausted. I was particularly excited to see the Elephants!! 

Our last stop of the day was the Dora and Diego 4D Adventure, which I have to say was the cutest moment for me of the entire day.  Not because I got to see Dora's pretty little face, no not at all.  But because I got to see my girls wear 4D glasses and smile and laugh.  They saw and felt things they never felt before (like water being sprinkled at us and vibrating seats!)  When I saw theyre faces, I couldnt resist but to shed a tear! Yes, dont laugh, but I cried.  lol 

I had the most amazing day with my little family and Im thankful I got to do it with them. Special thanks and shout out goes out to my wonderful husband who always goes out of his way to make sure we all have such a great time. And we always do! I love you baby! :)

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